What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


The definition of a media institution is a company that owns numerous companies in various mass media; i.e. television, radio, motion picture and the internet. There is two types of publishers; there are Mass Institutions then Independent publishers. Independent publishers are one company that produce a small amount of magazines with normally a niche audience. Mass Institutions is a publisher that owns other large companies and produces mass media for example Bauer media which is a multi-platform UK based group and manage more than 600 magazines, 400 digital products and 50 radio/TV stations around the world. In addition they produce well known brands such as Mojo, Heat and Q. However, my magazine is more aimed for a niche audience so I would want a Independent publisher producing my magazine. An Independent publisher that might distribute my magazine would be Volcano Publishings. Volcano publishings publish magazine like 'Shindig' as it has a very niche audience much like my magazine however I would think my magazine would attract more readers than shindig as this magazines audience is much more specific than mine.By looking at the National Readership Survey there is a massive difference of how many men read music magazines compared to women which is why I think there is room for my magazine in the market as my music magazine is mainly aimed at young women. I think my magazine will be popular as most magazine that are aimed for women are gossip magazines and the only music magazine that attracts for females than males is 'Top of the Pops' which however is more targeted at the much younger generation.

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