What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product?
Throughout the production of my magazine I used a variety of technologies to construct my magazine.
When I took my photograph's I used a Canon camera and a iPhone 5S camera. The Canon camera produced higher quality images and I used most of the images on my final product as they looked better quality and more professional. The only problem I found was getting used to the camera as I haven't used a Canon before so it took a while for me to get used to it. I used a iPhone 5s camera for my front cover as the canon wasn't available however the quality of the images was still high.
When editing my images I used a variety of editing websites including Pixlr, Befunky and Picmonkey. I used the website Pixlr mainly for the editing of my front cover as I had to remove the green screen in my image.
As you can see in the first image the background is a green back drop so to remove this I went onto the Pixlr web app where I then used the eraser tool to remove the background behind my models.I then filled the background with a muted blue as this is my colour scheme for my magazine. A disadvantages of using Pixlr for removing the green screen in pictures is that it is a long process and the final result isn't as high quality as using Photoshop however it is much easier to use and not complicated to understand. I also used Pixlr to place my master-head behind my models heads, I decided to do this because this is done in most professional magazines e.g Nylon. To do this I first of all started with my image then I place the text in front of the models I then added a layer of the same image on top of the first image and text. After this I then used the eraser tool so that the parts of the master-head could been seen. The advantages of this is that the finished results looks very professional however a disadvantage is that it takes a while to get grabs with the layering tool.
In the production of my magazine I also used Befunky to touch up darker areas on my models faces also adjust the lighting as I felt the lighting on the models faces was too strong in my first image. The advantages of Befunky is that it is very easy to use and the layout of the website is very simplistic so easy to understand however a disadvantage is that there wasn't any complicated editing tools and the tools on the website are very basic.
The final editing app I used in the production of my magazine was PicMonkey I used this for the cover-lines on the front cover and the layout of my double page spread. I used this website for the making of my double-page spread as it allowed me to create the layout I wanted for my double page spread.The advantages of Picmonkey is that it is very easy to use and it doesn't take long for you to get to grips with it however because of it being free most of the editing tools are very basic.