Representation of gender in the media
The meaning of "representation" is the description or portrayal of something or someone in a certain way.Miss Representation is a American documentary which was produced in 2011.It looks at mainstream media and how women are portrayed in politics,film and television.
One of the main points throughout the documentary is how women are body props for male viewers and throughout the media women's bodies are sexualised unlike men who are seen as strong,funny and in most films their bodies aren't sexualised for the audience.Only 16% of protagonists are women but even when a female is a main character in a film their life revolves around finding a man.
Miss Representation shows us how we still live in a patriarchal society this is where the society is run by men for men. Mainly men have the top jobs in media and only 16% of women comprise of all writers,directors,producers and editors.So for magazines and films to attract a male audience they make the female an object of "desire" by sexualising their bodies on the front of male magazines but also female magazines.This however makes a female audience measure themselves against this unrealistic standards and men then judge other women against this unrealistic image.The model on the front cover of magazines are represented as weak,not independent and finally in some aspect their bodies have been sexualised.Men are presented as brave,strong and independent this also causes problems for boys and men as these certain behaviours are seen as "manly" traits and if these aren't followed for example expressing emotions they are seen less of man because of these standards.
For example GQ, straight away you can see the difference of how Miley Cyrus and Jay Z have been presented. Miley's showing off more skin in a invitational pose which shows mystery in a sexy pose also she is presented as weak on the other hand Jay Z is face forward in a smart suit and he hasn't been sexualised at all and he looks strong and independent.
What issues to magazine editors face:
The problem for magazine editors is that today in 2015 people are more aware of feminism and equality between genders.Magazine editors try not to downgrade women as this can cause big issues however in a subtle way women are still sexualised so that the magazines still attracts a male audience, they try to get a right balance between this.They always try not to offend anyone and represent people in a correct way.However, magazine editors still mainly sexualise women as they want to sell their products which shows their is still a huge issue.
In my magazine:
Overall in my music magazine I will represent gender equally as in my opinion its a correct way for gender to be presented.Neither gender will be sexualised as I would want my target audience to buy the magazine because its good quality and professional not because a certain gender has been sexualised.I don't want to involve the Male Gaze theory and i don't want my audience comparing themselves to the image i have on my front cover.Finally, I would like my magazine to appeal to most ages, both genders and all social classes.
Two theories that support Miss Representation:
Male Gaze theory:
Laura Mulvey developed the theory of Male Gaze in 1975.The theory shows how the media puts the audience in a masculine position including women and the women shown on the screen or magazine are shown as a object of desire.
The camera lingers on the curves of the female body and sexualizes the women's body for a erotic impact from the audience.By editing and framing the females body is cut into pieces creating a object to be gazed at.The events which occur to women are presented largely in the context of a man's reaction to these events.
Why is the audience gendered male?
Still in the 21st century our society is patriarchal this is where the society is run by men for men, meaning film makers tend to be male thus presenting a 'male' representation of their subject. Finally viewers are encouraged to identify with the protagonist of the film who is often men.
How is gender represented in media?
Throughout media women are seen as objects of desire and are sexualised which men look at but also women however they compare themselves to this unrealistic image.However in most films you don't see men in little clothes but instead men are represented as strong figures and are mainly the protagonist in most films also aren't as sexualised as women are.
Marjorie Ferguson(1980)
Marjorie Ferguson identified four types of facial expressions which are commonly used the cover photo of women's magazines.
Super smiler:
Super smiler facial expression shows a arrogant 'look at me' attitude to the audience through a care free toothy smile.
The invitational pose shows mystery and mischief to the reader and normally the model is turned slightly with their head over the shoulder, with emphasis on the models eyes.
The Romantic:
This pose involves a two-some normally a female and male, the pose is very sexual and there is normally contact between the two models.It shows availability to the target audience.
The Chocolate box:
The chocolate box involves a half or full smile with the lips slightly parted.It gives off the image of innocence to the audience because of the warmth the model gives off to the reader.