Circulation and readership


The meaning of circulation is the number of papers sold on a average day through subscriptions and news-stand sales.
Readership is how many people read the magazine either in the shop or reading someone else's magazine.
National readership survey:

The NRS is a useful survey as it gives information on a range of publications in the UK, it shows how many people read a certain magazine and their social grade.The NRS covers over 250 of the major newspaper and magazines, which shows how large the company is.

For example from these results of music magazines we know that a total of 156,000 people read NME and 93,000 of them are in the ABC1 group which are in the upper class meaning they are all in well paid jobs.

However, there are some downfalls with the NRS. Their age bracket is too big for their audience.The age range of 15-34 year olds is too large as it isn't specific enough and there are big differences between these ages.Also the age bracket of 35+ is also a large age bracket meaning more difficult to know how accurate their results are.

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