Magazine publishers
Publishing in the media is where you prepare and issue magazines,books and other material for sale.Magazines are produced by institutions(companies that produce,market and distribute texts).
Bauer media is a part of Bauer media group and is Europe's largest privately owned publishing company.It offers over 300 magazines in several different countries.Some of the brands include 'Q','kerrang!' and other non-music magazines like 'Grazia'.By being a large magazine publishing company it means more copies of that magazine sold making the the company even more successful. This is shown as there are 2.5 million people who read a title published by Bauer media.
Shindig magazine is example of a magazine published by an independent publisher 'Volcano Publishing'.If there is a narrow and specialist appeal in the magazine its likely its published by an independent publisher for example Shindig magazine "60s sounds through country-rock and folk to soul and electronic experimentation". Even though the sales will be lower compared to main music magazine publishers;independent publishers can focus on an area that wouldn't necessary be covered by major publishers. Shindig although does have 82% readers in the ABC1 category and 83% of men read the magazine.Which shows there are dedicated readers to this magazine and achieves a circulation of 26,000.